TRAINING MODULE: Build Workers’ OSH Committees [Download Now]

IOHSAD collaborated with the Metal Workers Alliance of the Philippines (MWAP) to produce a training module on building workers’ OSH committees in electronics companies during pandemic. This initiative was made possible through the support of Good Electronics.
The project contributed to mainstreaming OSH among the unions in the electronics sector. The module also helped unions realize the importance of building OSH committees to educate more workers about their OSH rights. It also identified steps on how to reach out and help workers without unions to build workers’ OSH committees to protect their rights.

We know that the module remains relevant as we approach the so-called post-pandemic future. Workers remain at risk of contracting COVID-19 or newer viruses in their workplaces. Workers need to keep on asserting their OSH rights, and one of the most effective ways is by building workers’ OSH committees and strong unions.