WORKERS’ RIGHT TO KNOW | A Narrative Report on the Health and Working Conditions of Workers in High-Risk Industries That Use Chemicals

November 28, 2023

IOHSAD conducted a recent study on the health and working conditions of workers in high-risk industries that utilize chemicals. Based on the results, IOHSAD and the workers plan to develop policies and practices for safer and healthier workplaces.

The IOHSAD team and the worker-researchers gathered data through surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions across three companies. Workers from MEC and Nexperia, electronics and semiconductors companies, and Globesco, a paint manufacturer, participated in the survey and provided insights into their working conditions and respective production processes.

Among the survey findings is the alarming violation of one of the fundamental occupational safety and health (OSH) rights – the workers’ right to know. In many cases, workers remain unaware of the hazards they face, particularly concerning the chemicals they handle daily. Workers have the right to be informed about the short and long-term health effects of the chemicals they are using. Workers also have the right to actively participate in decision-making processes in controlling workplace hazards.

IOHSAD plans to conduct further studies, assist and monitor workers facing health issues, and organize a victims’ group to lobby for just compensation, ensure accountability, and campaign for safer and healthier workplaces. We thank the Developing World Outreach Initiative (DWOI) for their support and guidance, our dedicated volunteer doctors who worked tirelessly with us in this study, and all the workers who participated in this survey.